

Reclusive forest dwellers, Basaja are gentle and kind. They are known for their long, flowing beards and their affinity for nature. Many are hermits that pursue lifestyles of herding animals or tending plants. Those who have conversed with Basaja say they are wise, with a slow and deliberate way of speaking. This probably comes from spending most of their time in quiet communion with ancient trees.

Basaja Traits

Speed. Normal Speed.

Size. Basaja average 8 feet tall and 250 pounds. Your size is Medium.

Lifespan. Basaja live to be around 200 years old.

Commune with Nature

You can communicate with plants to some degree. You also know the Speak with Animals Nature spell. Your spellcasting stat for this spell is SOUL.

Pack Mule

You gain 3 additional inventory slots.

Wise beyond Years

You gain a +2 bonus to MIND saving throws.